کوردستانپۆست نامه‌یه‌کی توند ئاراسته‌ی(کۆمپانیای ئه‌داکس پیترۆلیۆم) ده‌کات..

Thursday, 23/07/2009, 12:00

2221 بینراوە

ئێمه‌ وه‌ک هه‌ستکردن به‌ به‌رپرسیاره‌تییه‌کی مێژوویی و بۆ زیاتر ریسواکردنی هه‌ردوو بنه‌ماڵه‌ی مافیایی و به‌رگرتن له‌و کۆمپانیایانه‌ که‌ دێن له‌ سه‌ر سه‌روه‌ت و سامانی ولاته‌که‌مان گریبه‌ست ئه‌نجامده‌ده‌ن ، نامه‌یاکمان ئاراسته‌ی کۆمپانیای ناوبراو کردووه‌ و به‌روونی داوامان لێکردووه‌ که‌ ئه‌و گریبه‌ستانه‌ ئاشکرا بکه‌ن و له‌ هه‌مان کاتیسدا زۆر شێلگیرانه‌ وه‌سفی هه‌ردوو بنه‌ماڵه‌ی مافیامان کردووه‌ که‌ روونمانکردۆته‌وه که‌ ئه‌و دوو بنه‌ماڵه‌ هه‌قی ئیمزاکردنی هیج گریبه‌ستیکیان نییه‌ و هه‌ر گرێبه‌ستیکیش ئه‌وان ئیمزای بکه‌ن به‌ دلنییاییه‌وه‌ پووچه‌ڵ ده‌بیته‌وه‌ و ده‌بی هه‌موو زه‌ره‌رو زیانه‌کانیش بۆ خه‌ڵکی کوردستان ببژیرن و خۆیان ده‌خه‌نه‌ نیو گیژاویک که‌ پیویستیان پیی نییه‌.
فه‌رموون له‌ گه‌ڵ ده‌قی نامه‌که‌:

To Whom it may concern:

We found out that your company has an agreement with Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) for discovering oil in some Iraqi Kurdistan areas.

In Kurdistan-Iraq, there are two mafia families are controlling everything and they are worse than Saddam Hussein with regard to corruptions, scandals, nepotism and abusing human rights. Both Talabani and Barzani families are getting those contracts with foreign companies to find oil in Kurdistan for themselves and not for the interest of Kurdish people. Both families are getting richer and richer every day and stealing millions of dollars every day and they are the richest people in the region while the majority of Kurdish people are suffering from lack of electricity, clean water, decent health care and education. Besides, they are arresting, kidnapping and killing anyone rises his or her voice against those mafia bands.

So for the interest of Kurdish people, we ask your company to release your contract and conditions to us to find out what kind of contract your company has with those warlords and mafia bands (Barzani and Talabani).

We as Kurdish people we do not believe this current regional government represents Kurdish people but it only represents the leadership of both mafia families.

So please contact us and let us know what kind of agreement your company has with KRG, otherwise we are going to let mass media know that your company is dealing with mafia bands against Kurdish people and Iraqi people.

Thanks for paying attention to our request

Kurdistan post on behalf of Kurdish people

نووسەرەکان خۆیان بەرپرسیارێتی وتارەکانی خۆیان هەڵدەگرن، نەک کوردستانپۆست

کۆمێنت بنووسە