كه‌مپینێكی جیهانی بۆناچاركردنی توركیا له‌ واژۆی په‌یمانامه‌ی ڕۆما بكات تایبه‌ت به‌ چاودێری كوردۆساید

Sunday, 08/11/2009, 12:00

1636 بینراوە

هاوپه‌یمانیه‌تی جیهانی بۆ پشتیوانی له‌ داننان به‌ په‌یماننامه‌ی ڕۆما,كه‌زیاتر له‌2500ڕێكخراو له‌ جیهاندا ئه‌ندامه‌ تیایدا و چاودێری كوردۆسایدیش ماوه‌ی نزیك دووساڵه‌ بووه‌ به‌ ئه‌ندام,بۆ جاری دووه‌م كه‌مپینێكی جیهانی ڕاگه‌یاند بۆ ناچار كردنی توركیا له‌ واژۆ كردنی په‌یماننامه‌ی ڕۆماو په‌یوه‌ست بوون به‌ دادگای تاوانی نێو ده‌وڵه‌تییه‌وه‌.
تاكو ئێستا41 وڵاتی ئه‌وروپا و ئاسیای ناوه‌ڕاست په‌یماننامه‌كه‌یان واژۆ كردووه‌,له‌وانه‌27وڵاتی یه‌كێتی ئه‌وروپا و7 وڵاتی ناوچه‌كه‌ش واژۆیان خستۆته‌ سه‌ر په‌یمانامه‌كه‌ كه‌ بریتین له‌((ڕوسیا,ماڵدافیا,ئه‌رمینیا,كیرغیزستان,ئۆكراینیاو ئۆزبه‌كستان و مۆناكۆ)).
وڵاتانی ئه‌وروپا و یه‌كێتی ئه‌وروپا لایه‌نن له‌ دامه‌زراندن و ڕاگه‌یاندنی دادگاكه‌,بۆیه‌ داوا له‌ توركیا ده‌كرێت په‌یوه‌ست بێت به‌ دادگاوه‌و به‌هێزی بكات.
ئه‌م دادگایه‌ یه‌كه‌م دادگای سه‌ربه‌خۆ و بێلایه‌نی به‌رده‌وامه‌ له‌ مێژوودا توانای ئه‌وه‌ی هه‌یه‌ ئه‌و كه‌سانه‌ی تاوانی جه‌نگ و تاوانی مرۆڤایه‌تی وجینۆساید ئه‌نجام ده‌ده‌ن بداته‌ دادگا.
هاووڵاتیانی كوردستانی
هه‌ر یه‌كێك لای خۆیه‌وه‌ ئیمه‌یلێك بۆ لایه‌نه‌ به‌ر پرسه‌كانی توركیا ینێرێت بۆ داواكردن له‌ توركیا له‌ واژۆ كردنی په‌یماننامه‌كه‌ و په‌یوه‌ست بوون به‌ دادگاكه‌وه‌.
پێویسته‌ كوردستانیان له‌ هه‌موو كه‌س زیاتر پشتیوانی له‌م هه‌نگاوه‌ بكه‌ن,په‌یوه‌ست بوونی توركیا به‌ دادگاوه‌ مانای كۆتایی هاتن به‌ سه‌ركوتن و كوشتن و وێرانكردن و كوشتنی نادیار و هه‌ر جۆره‌ سه‌ركوتێك دێت.

Take Action Now!
Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Turkey to encourage him to accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
You might like to use the following letter as a guide. Please be sure to cc all contacts below when sending your letters.
Send your letter to:
H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister
Basbakanlik Merkez Bina
06640 Kizilay ANKARA-TURKEY
Phone: +90 312 413 70 00
Fax: +90 312 417 04 76
Email:[email protected];[email protected]
H.E. Abdullah Gl
Cumhurbaskanligi Cankaya Kosku,
06550 Cankaya ANKARA-TURKEY
Phone: +90 312 468 50 29
Fax: +90 312 427 13 30
Email:[email protected]
H.E. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dr. Sadık Ahmet Cad. No: 8 Balgat 06100 ANKARA-TURKEY
Phone: +90 312 292 10 00
Fax: +90 312 292 27 55
Email: bimer@[email protected];[email protected]
H.E. Sadullah Ergin
Minister of Justice
Adalet Bakanligi 06659 Kizilay ANKARA-TURKEY
Phone: +90 312 419 33 70
Fax: +90 312 419 33 70
+90 312 417 71 13
Email: [email protected]
H.E. Ertuğrul Apakan
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN
Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations
821 United Nations Plaza, 10th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10017 USA
Phone: (212) 949-0150
Fax: (212) 949-0086
Email: [email protected]

Your Excellency:
I am writing to urge you to ensure Turkey‌s accession to the Rome Statute of the ICC as soon as possible. The Court‌s investigations in Uganda, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan signify that it is moving forward in its crucial work to end impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Turkey‌s support for this new and vital system of international justice by acceding to the Rome Statute is therefore of utmost importance.
As you well know, the Rome Statute came into force in July 2002 and now has the support of more than half of the world‌s nations. With two ratifications this year, 110 states have now acceded to or ratified the treaty and 139 are signatories. The system of international justice represented by the ICC is an important tool that will ensure that the most serious international crimes no longer go unpunished. European nations are instrumental in building and strengthening this new justice system, and their support to the ICC is vital to its success and efficiency.
I welcome the Prime Minister‌s statement before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in October 2004 indicating that Turkey will soon approve the Rome Statute after completing its internal preparations and will become part of the International Court Convention. Turkey has also made a positive step forward by joining the Friends of the ICC, a like-minded group of countries actively promoting the International Criminal Court and the new international criminal legal system arising from the Rome Statute‌s entry into force.
I would also like to welcome the August 2008 approval by Turkey of the 3rd National Programme for the Adoption of the EU Acquis, a document including among others a reference to the ICC and the fact that the necessary work is continuing for Turkey to become a party to the Court.
Turkey‌s strategic geographic position bridging Europe, the CIS and the Middle East makes it a key international player that could significantly contribute to strengthening the new system of international justice created by the ICC.
Turkey should therefore submit a bill of accession to Parliament without delay and fully align Turkish legislation with all the provisions under the Rome Statute in order to become an important part of this much-needed international justice system.

نووسەرەکان خۆیان بەرپرسیارێتی وتارەکانی خۆیان هەڵدەگرن، نەک کوردستانپۆست

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